Submission Preparation Checklist
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Original Articles
Provides new information based on original research. Includes prospective studies with in-depth statistical analysis, unique retrospective observations of a disease or disorder, and studies of novel applications of an interventional procedure or treatment method.
Review Articles
Systematic reviews or meta-analyses of recent developments in a specific topic. Scoping reviews of the literature that identify area(s) for future research will also be considered. No new information is described, and no subjective opinion or personal experiences are expressed.
Narrative review articles discussing recent developments in a specific topic. No new information is described; may include subjective opinion or personal experiences.
Case Report
Brief discussion of a case with unique features not previously described. Additional cases (case series) may be added to augment the discussion. The discussion should be succinct and focus on a specific message.
Photo Essay
Teaching exercise with message in the figures and legends. Emphasis is on quality of the illustrations and clinical relevance of the message.
Letters to the Editor
Short letter on any matter of interest to journal readers, including comments on an article that has previously appeared in the journal. The authors of the article commented on would be invited to reply.
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The Hong Kong Journal of Ophthalmology is fully Open Access.
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